Discussing Politics On A First Date

Welcome to “The Greatest Advice Column” from The Greatest Generation. To submit your own questions to Marty please email Marty@shenanigang.com 

Dear Marty,

Is it okay to discuss politics on the first date? Some people think it’s too controversial but other’s say it’s important to know the politics of a potential partner. Where do you stand?

Don’t do it. Under no circumstance. Zip. Zero. No politics.

Now, I’m not ignorant. I understand the value of pleasant political debate. But for the past two years political discussion has been everywhere and it only makes people hate each other. Honestly, what’s the best case scenario? You fully agree? Even that’s not a cause for celebration. You’ll end up arguing about who agrees the hardest on the things you agree on. When politics enter a conversation everyone in that conversation leaves hating everyone else a little more than they did at the beginning of the conversation. Go back to lying about how fulfilled you feel at your day job and just pray the date ends with both parties thinking “eh they have some flaws but I guess I could see myself having a few kids with them”



The Greatest Advice Column From The Greatest Generation
Authored By Marty The Mean
Please send all questions to Marty@shenanigang.com