Should You Date Someone You Have No Text Chemistry With?

Welcome to “The Greatest Advice Column” from The Greatest Generation. To submit your own questions to Marty please email 

Dear Marty,
I’ve been texting this girl and we have zero chemistry over the phone. Is it worth it to try to go on a date or is this a sign to just give up and not waste anyone’s time?

Finally, a good question. Feels like it’s been a while. Here are the facts kid: The only real resources you have are time and money. You need to be careful with these things. They matter.

Here’s the thing about men. We don’t have much. Especially once you get in a relationship. More and more things become less and less yours. Everything is shared which honestly means everything is hers and you get to come along for the ride. This is why you need to be so precise with your time and money while you have it.

With all that being said, when it’s all over, a way a man truly knows he did it right is if he has absolutely nothing left because he gave all his time and money to a woman (or a few). So yeah, go get a drink or two, you jackass.


The Greatest Advice Column From The Greatest Generation
Authored By Marty The Mean
Please send all questions to