Thanksgiving Aftermath

Welcome to “The Greatest Advice Column” from The Greatest Generation. To submit your own questions to Marty please email 

Dear Marty,

I’m writing to you right as all my relatives have just left after a pretty explosive Thanksgiving dinner. We tried so hard not broach any controversial topics but they slowly crept into the conversation and things unraveled pretty quickly. No one wanted to be the bigger person. Everyone left mad. Is this normal? Does this happen at everyone’s family dinners or are we super messed up?

Ehh I don’t really know if this is normal or not kid. Every family is messed up in their own special ways. Here’s what I do know. This isn’t a bad thing. So what everyone left in a huff? Everyone is going to want some space from each other right now. Perfect. Don’t you have to do this again at Christmas? Here’s what I say, think of this as a nice and much needed break from family. It will all pass over by the Holidays where you’ll just have to do it all again.

If you’re lucky an even bigger fight will happen at Christmas and then who knows maybe that will last long enough that you can skip a few of their birthdays! That’s what I call a Christmas miracle.



The Greatest Advice Column From The Greatest Generation
Authored By Marty The Mean
Please send all questions to