Mom’s New Boyfriend

Welcome to “The Greatest Advice Column” from The Greatest Generation. To submit your own questions to Marty please email 

Dear Marty,

Mom and Dad divorced about three years ago. About a week after they drove me back to school Mom wrote me a long letter saying that she is going to let her current boyfriend move into the house with us. I was hoping this was just a fling. This guy is lazy, sits around smoking weed all day and doesn’t work. I am not due to come home until Thanksgiving break.  I want my mom to be happy but I don’t want to live with him. Should I tell her? 
This is a no brainer. You’re currently in college which means not too long ago you were a teenage girl. Now let me ask you something missy, what was your go-to move if you wanted to annoy your parents? Bring home a guy you knew they wouldn’t like. And then when your parents vocalized their distaste for this guy, what did you do? That’s right, you doubled down.
Listen, recent divorcees are not that much different from teenage girls. They want to act out and rebel and all that jazz but voicing your disappointment or concern only pushes them further away. Let her have her fun with this knob. She’ll get over it. She’ll move on. She’ll want to settle down. She’ll meet an accountant named Jeremy. And guess what, you’ll hate Jeremy’s guts just as much.
The Greatest Advice Column From The Greatest Generation
Authored By Marty The Mean
Please send all questions to