Introducing A Date To Your Sports Fandom

Welcome to “The Greatest Advice Column” from The Greatest Generation. To submit your own questions to Marty please email 

Dear Marty,

I am a huge Yankees fan. My dad would take me to Yankees games all the time as a kid and they hold a special place in my heart. So much so that you could say I get a little intense while watching the games. Recently, I had tickets to the Yankees – Red Sox game. I wanted to take this guy I have been seeing for a few months but I wasn’t sure I was ready for him to see me like that. He still thinks I’m a nice and sweet girl. Did I make the right decision?

I hate to be the one that says it kid, well actually I don’t, but you messed up. Sooner of later this guy needs to see the real you. The you that gets red in the face shouting “Red Sox Suck”. The you that will get into it with other fans in the stands. The you that’s going to have one too many beers at the game. It’s the real you and it’s the one he needs to see.

And I’m not just saying this because I care about honesty. No sir. You need to show him the real you so you can see if he can handle it. If this guy tenses up and gets all uncomfortable as you’re screaming your head off well then he’s just not the sidekick you need. Case closed.

Lots of people say you need to live with someone or travel with them before getting married. That’s how you’ll see the most boiled down version of them. Okay sure but now that I really think about it there’s no purer representation of a person than when their favorite sports team is getting their butts handed to them. How do they handle that because that’s how you’re going to have to handle them.

Your fandom, as insane as it is, is actually who you are. This guy is either with it or it’s time for him to join another team.




The Greatest Advice Column From The Greatest Generation
Authored By Marty The Mean
Please send all questions to