In Defense Of The Houston Astros Stealing Signs: A Letter From The President Of A Fraternity

Thad here. As President of a fraternity, I’ve had my fair share of investigations and thus I thought I’d write this letter to help out the Houston chapter.

Stealing signs is sick. End of statement. Our chapter is in full support of any and all signs being stolen and we will fight to defend the right to steal signs.

It is very important for the council to recognize that without stolen signs we would simply not have any decorations for the walls of our house. Trying to get blitzed while the walls are as white as the people at the party is not tight. Eye contact and conversation are tough. We simply don’t know what we would do if we couldn’t occasionally look up at the walls and see a bright neon sign that says “Slow Down”. It’s always good for a chuckle and a quick reminder that the boys and I never slow down. Irony is hilarious.

Frankly, I’m not sure what the point of signs are if not to be stolen. Why put them up randomly on the side of the road if you don’t want them to be taken? They’re almost asking for it. It’s like, we got our couch on the side of the road, so give me one reason we should stop and not steal this stop sign.

In conclusion, boys will be boys.

