Can’t Get A Text Back

Welcome to “The Greatest Advice Column” from The Greatest Generation. To submit your own questions to Marty please email

Dear Marty,

I’ve been on three dates with this guy and all of a sudden he won’t text me back. What should I do?

What should you do? What kind of stupid question is that? Don’t do anything. I’m not even talking in terms of texting him obsessively or tracking him down or whatever. I’m talking about all of the free time you just got back. Do nothing and love it. I hate having to do things. You know how many things you have to do when you’re in a relationship. ESPECIALLY AT THE VERY START OF ONE. fuck. no. Count me out. This gentlemen is basically saying hey instead of having to show up to poorly lit bars and fill the night with fake laughter because you couldn’t hear each other over the blaring music and even if you could hear them they aren’t that funny anyway just do nothing. No nonsense. Just enjoy doing anything else. literally anything else at all.  Yep, I’ll take the latter Chuck . That’s a Chuck Woolery reference. Don’t worry about it. Before your time.

Listen sweetie, the only type of person worth being with is someone that you can do nothing with. Now that’s some damn good advice. fuck I’ve done it again. Back in 2 and 2.




The Greatest Advice Column From The Greatest Generation
Authored By Marty The Mean
Please send all questions to