As A Country, We Need To Start Hating Red Heads Again

The country is divided about everything. There literally isn’t one thing we all haven’t taken hard stances on. I can’t think of anything that we all agree on anymore and it’s truly awful. So I started to brainstorm to come up with the last time the whole nation agreed on something and then it hit me. We used to all unanimously make fun of red heads and it was great. Even red heads liked it. At least they were getting attention for once. It was a truly unifying moment in our country’s history where, whenever things got tense, we could always point and laugh people with red hair and everything was okay again .

So why not get back to that? It’s been long enough in the joke cycle where it’s no longer an overplayed joke but rather a retro joke that can come back in style. If the coalition of Red Heads is okay with this then I think we need to at least give it a shot. I mean our humanity is at stake here. We can at least try and treat red heads inhumanely.

We are headed towards another presidential election and I fear that if we don’t unite behind a common enemy now then the divide that will be caused by the political bickering will be irreversible. We’ll forever be two. Unable to ever see eye to eye. All because we chose not to see hair color.