Saving For Retirement

Welcome to “The Greatest Advice Column” from The Greatest Generation. To submit your own questions to Marty please email 

Dear Marty,

Everyone keeps telling me to save for retirement. But if I took money out of my paycheck every two weeks then I wouldn’t have much to live on. Is it really that important to start saving now?

Well, you’ve come to the right place to ask this question son. I’ve been retired for years. It’s great. I don’t do much. Besides answering these little questions once in a while.

Anyway, if you want to figure out if it’s really important to start saving now then you need to do some simple math. Let me take a wild guess and say you’re somewhere between 23 and 28. With rapid advancements in medical science, you are probably expected to live until 150. But you’re still expecting to retire around 65.

By my calculations you should have started saving by age 8. Uh oh. What’d you do with all that allowance money kid? You think you could go back to your parents house and check under your childhood bed pillow to see if you left some money from the tooth fairy behind. No? Well then you’re shit out of luck. No use starting to save now. My suggestion? Marry rich. You’re going to need an allowance again.



The Greatest Advice Column From The Greatest Generation
Authored By Marty The Mean
Please send all questions to