Please Stop Bullying Nerds!

Have we learned absolutely fucking nothing!?

Listen up everyone because we’re making a huge mistake and this isn’t the first time. In the 90s we all bullied nerds. It was sick. I mean what could feel better than stuffing another human being into a locker? Forcing another person, with real thoughts and genuine feelings, into a small contained space against their will. Sweet!

But then something weird happened. These nerds retreated indoors and used their free time provided by not playing sports or kissing girls to create the greatest technological advancement of the century.

Kissing girls was still cool but people started questioning if it was as cool as creating Microsoft. Tough call. And then the rhetoric changed. People like Bill Gates started saying things like “don’t bully nerds, you’re going to work for one someday”. And the world became a better place.

And now look at what the fuck ya’ll are doing. You’re out here bullying the likes of Gates, Zuckerberg, Musk, and Bezos. Are you dumb?

Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook because he had no friends. You really want to try him? Go on, keep making fun of Facebook. Dude is going to come out with Super Facebook where the only thing you can post is praise for him.

And look at ya’ll, sitting on your couch making fun of Elon Musk’s cybertruck. You understand the man is a loose cannon right? No? How about the fact that he just came out something called the cybertruck. If that doesn’t scream mad man then I don’t know what does. But yeah, go on, keep testing him.

Oh and don’t get me started about Bezos. You really want to talk shit on the dude that is arming our skies with drones. Jeff Bezos has more control than the U.S. government. He’s like Zeus, only richer.

Do you get it? Do you fucking get it? These dudes created unfathomable pieces of technology because society didn’t accept them. And this was all before they had any money. You really want to play with them now that they have unlimited money? They’ve only gotten more powerful. You’ve only gotten fatter.

So I beg you. Leave the nerds alone. Be friends with them. As Bill Gates once said “Don’t bully nerds, one may be your overlord someday”