Millenials Can’t Afford Houses Because They Stopped Buying 3-1 Body Wash, Shampoo And Conditioner

There was a dumb Gen X thing on the internet for a while about how Millennials can’t afford to buy houses because they buy so much avocado toast. This is legitimatley the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. It totally disregards the fact that Millennials have stopped purchasing 3-1 Body Wash, Shampoo and Conditioner.

For a while, 3-1 Body Wash, Shampoo and Conditioner was a staple of the Male American Shower Experience. But slowly the internet bullied us men out of being fiscally responsible. They laughed at us for increasing the overall efficiency of the bathing process. At first, it didn’t bother us. I bet some cavemen mocked those that opted to use the newly invented wheel under their cart as opposed to the currently popular method of using misshapen rocks.

Now avocado toast is expensive but it’s not 3 times as expensive as other food. Unfortunately, having to buy three separate items (body wash, shampoo, and conditioner) has increased the price of showering by 300%. The slow rise of wages simply cannot keep up with the rise in price of bathing. Many of my peers have opted to just not shower at all. Others have gone broke trying to get clean.

Why won’t any politician talk about the rise in bathing prices? Why is bathing a right reserved only for the rich?