I’ve Decided To Go To Law School…But Only For The Content

Yesterday, everyone I know passed the bar. Or at least it seemed that way. And don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of each and every one of them. I mean yeah I haven’t talked to any of these people in years, in fact their post about the bar reminded me of their existence in general, but I’m still happy for them. Law school seems hard. Except in Legally Blonde. I’m smarter than Reese Witherspoon. Those are just the cold hard facts.

Anyway, looking at all of your status updates I simply couldn’t believe your accomplishment. No, I’m not talking about becoming a lawyer. I’m talking about all those likes you’re racking up. ohhh weeee!! I’m looking at these numbers and frankly I’m in awe. And that’s when it hit me. Becoming a lawyer is premium content.

It’s hard out here in this digital jungle to get likes. We fight like animals to get our fair share because, as we know, likes are a limited resource. We edit pictures until we’re unrecognizable. We force laughter to feign a sense of merriment. Heck, this is my third draft of this blog. And for what? All of this hard work and what does it all amount to? A few extra likes? A comment from a good friend? A share from an even better friend? We spend all this time hacking away at the likes machine when we simply just had to go to law school.

So that’s it. My decision is made. No more blogs. No more videos. No more of those Snapchats where it’s just a closeup of my face and then I drop gum out of my mouth (okay I still might do this). I will spend my nights and weekends applying to law school for the spring semester.

I’m ready for this new journey. One filled with cold late nights in a poorly lit library reading books with too many words and not enough pictures. And in just three short years I too will be able to proudly walk across that graduation stage with a real sense of accomplishment and knowledge that I earned all those sick likes I’m about to get.

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