George R.R. Martin Is Lazy

Ahead of tonight’s premiere of the final season of Game Of Thrones, it’s time to discuss something no one wants to talk about: George R.R. Martin is lazy. Since the premiere of season 1, Martin has been touted as a genius, an innovator, and a revolutionary, but no one is talking about how lazy he is.

He Didn’t Write Game Of Thrones Until He Was Almost 50
Hey man, what took you so long? What were you doing for fifty freakin’ years!? Just sitting there not writing Game Of Thrones?

He Just Kills Off Characters When He Runs Out Of Storylines For Them
This just seems like cheating to me. The guy creates all these characters and then is like “Damn, not sure what else to do with this one. Guess I’m going to have to execute them”. I mean this guy does it all the time. His pen writes checks that his imagination can’t cash. He’s had so many of his characters killed because he simply ran out of ideas. I’m surprised this hack has any characters left.

He Hasn’t Finished The Series
The final season of the TV show starts tonight but the final book of the series has not been written yet. “That’s someone else’s issue”, Martin thinks. Yep, he just started the most intricate epic fantasy we’ve witnessed in decades and then thought “Eh let someone else figure out how this whole mess ends”