Aaron Sorkin Stole From Flavor Flav

So recently VH1 was running a “Flavor of Love” marathon and I got completely sucked in. Flav is an absolute superstar and he kept those episodes packed wall to wall with entertainment.

So when I found myself five episodes deep into the pioneer of reality TV dating shows, I realized two things. First, this show still holds up. It’s amazing that it is 12 years later and still no new reality dating show can match the raw authenticity that Flav brought on the scene. Second, Aaron Sorkin must have been a big fan of “Flavor of Love” because he directly plagiarized the famed hype man.

Yes Aaron Sorkin, critically acclaimed writer of The Social Network, took a page right out of Flav’s book. I’m a huge fan of The Social Network. I know this movie very intricately. But you don’t have to be such a big fan to be familiar with one of the most talked about quotes from the whole film.

If you guys were the inventors of Facebook, you would have invented Facebook

Iconic. Absolutely iconic. But original? I think not.

On Episode 5 of Season 1 of The Flavor of Love, Flav drops a line with an eery similarity. At a clock giving ceremony three girls remain but only two clocks. Just then, one girl decides to eliminate herself due to personal circumstances. As she leaves, Flav tells the entire group of women that this girl, more commonly known by her Flav- given name Oyster, was going to receive a clock on this night. This confirms that one of the girls who ended up staying that night was actually meant to go home in her place. It was between Hottie and New York. A battle for the ages.

New York, the human firecracker, was not happy with how this clock ceremony went down and needed to know the truth; was she meant to get a clock tonight or not?

Flav, clock hanging around his neck, viking hat skewed slightly atop his head, cap draped over his hunched shoulders, looks New York directly in the eyes and drops a pearl of wisdom:

If you got a clock, you would have got a clock

Iconic. Absolutely iconic. But original? YEAH BOYEEEEEEEEE!

In a movie designed to uncover the true creator of Facebook, it seems that the true crime unfolded in the script rather than on the screen.

How about now Sorkin, are you still wired in?