A Kid I Went To High School With Is Trying Out For The NFL And I’m Wishing Him The Best

I just found out that a kid I went to high school with is trying out for the NFL and you know what I’m wishing him the best. You know I don’t like to do too much bragging but it’s probably worth noting how gracious I am being about this whole situation. I mean a kid I went to high school with has a chance to be a professional athlete in the National Football League and I’m over here just humbly wishing him good luck. This is every kid’s dream growing up. It would be the easiest thing in the world to be jealous and salty about this. I could hope that it doesn’t work out for him under the pretense that why should he have something that I don’t have, but nope, that’s just not the kind of guy I am. Pretty noble right? Plus, I guess it would be pretty cool to know that I once made a professional football player cry.

Wait, what was that?

Oh yeah just this little thing that happened in 7th grade where I guess I made this kid cry but it’s really not a big deal.

More importantly, I’d like to urge my fellow high school alumni to cheer this guy on. I mean the guy has been working his absolute butt off for years and this opportunity is well deserved. Not to mention, he was blessed with the genetic makeup of a professional athlete. Standing at 6’6 and 290 lbs, this guy is an absolute unit. Nothing but muscle, hustle, and some real attitude.

Wait, did you say he is 6’6 and 290 lbs and you made this guy cry?

Yeah but it’s really nothing. He just got out of line one time and I just had to put him in his place. Honestly, I don’t even like talking about it. It’s not fun reliving the memory of intimidating a guy double my size. Makes me feel sick to be honest. Bleh.

And yes, I guess it’s extremely impressive. Possibly more impressive then even getting into the NFL at all. I mean that’s not something I would say but it’s definitely an argument that is gaining some momentum out there. Hmm I don’t know though. Worth thinking about I guess.

And like I said, it’s not something I want to have to even talk about anymore. Yes, do people forget that I made this behemoth of a man break down into a slobbering and bumbling mess in the past? Yes, of course. But that doesn’t mean it should be brought up EVERY time we talk about him. It’s like leave it in the past already guys. Let’s just do our best to root him on for now. And yes, if he goes on and has a hall of fame career do I expect to be mentioned in the speech as the sole reason he was mentally tough enough to succeed in the NFL in the first place? Yes. And when he starts to cry during the speech I’m sure the media will discuss how emotional a moment of this stature can be but only a few will know that it’s actually because the memory of me still haunts him to this day.

But please let’s just forget about all that nonsense guys. I’m no hero. I’m just a regular fan, hoping the best for a hometown boy with a dream.

Good luck buddy! I’ll be tearing cheering for you!


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