Hasbro Thinks Women Are Too Dumb To Win At Monopoly

In an effort to even the playing field, the new Monopoly game will start female players off with $1900 while male players will receive the standard $1500. In addition, every time a female player passes go she will receive $240 instead of the traditional $200.

This is such an ugly statement by Hasbro. While Monopoly is one of my favorite games I’m prepared to stand with women and boycott it moving forward. I’m disgusted. Women are just as smart as men!!

Here’s the worst part. These new “rules” aren’t going to help women win. It’s just going to give them false hope and then let them down harder. Why? Because real monopoly winners (read: smart people) don’t play by the normal rules anyway.

How is starting off with $1900 going to help? Any smart person just takes money from the bank whenever they want. It’s always “guarded” by the person who is deemed most responsible. Want to know who tells them that they are responsible enough to be the banker? The other (smart) players who recognize who will be the easiest to sneak past.

How is getting $240 when passing GO going to make an ounce of difference? I’ve never gotten any less than $300 for passing go. It’s a real quick move. Slide the 2 $100 dollar bills together and tell the banker that they only gave you 1 $100 dollar bill. It’s a slight of hand trick. A child could do it. Dumb people and, according to Hasbro, women can’t figure this out. What are you trying to say here Hasbro?

You know women are half of your players right? They may be dumb but that doesn’t mean you should treat them like this. Their money matters as much as a man’s. Well, actually, I guess it counts more now.