Another Disappointing NBA Draft

Another year and another disappointing NBA draft. I’m not going to hide it anymore. I’m upset. Mad even. For once I just thought it was going to go differently.

After each draft every pundit, past player, and Twitter analyst says the same thing:

Some of the best players weren’t drafted. Keep moving forward.

Kahwi wasn’t a lottery pick. Now he’s two time NBA Finals MVP.

MJ was a back up point guard in middle school .

Usually these statements make me feel better. Usually they motivate me. But not getting drafted to the NBA this year really hurt.

I’m a few years out of college and if I’m truly being honest with myself I’ve never been further from the NBA. My window is closing and I know it. Every year that passes I get slower, fatter, and have a little more doubt about that psychic’s prediction that I will grow 10 inches.

So all of this motivational mumbo jumbo about not giving up on your dreams of being in the NBA is really getting to me now. I used to buy it but now I’m nervous I’m looking for advice in all the wrong places.

I mean instead of listening to Stephen A. Smith talk about all of the hall of famers who went undrafted maybe I should have listened to the high school basketball coach who said “Daniel, you’re not very good at basketball”. I don’t know though. Who can be sure who is right?

So that’s it. Another year of having to tell my friends and family that I wasn’t drafted and another year of them acting like it’s no big deal.

But you know what? I won’t let this discourage me. I’m just going to keep moving forward. Staying the course. Not changing a thing.