Hey it’s me! The girl your friend just started dating two weeks ago. You probably remember me from that one time we met. Well anyway, I’ve just got to set you up with one of my friends!
Oh my god so tell me everything! What are you into? Blondes or brunettes? Most of my friends are brunette but I can brainstorm some blondes if need be. I’m thinking maybe Jessie. No Samantha. Yes you’d love Samantha! Okay wait, short or tall? My friend Monica is short but also she’s tall so that would actually work perfect for you.
So like what do you have in mind for the first date? Have you started thinking about that yet? Oh my god we should double date! How fricken cute would that be!! Us, a veteran couple, getting to watch two young lovebirds.
I’m just so excited! I mean I just want everyone to be able to experience what Bobby and I have. I mean I know I’ve only known him for two weeks but it feels like I’ve known him for at least a month.
Ugh I just can’t wait to set you up and ensure that you either get married or make this whole thing awkward for everyone forever. Doesn’t that sound perfect?