Tips To Help Prevent A Busted Bracket

It’s Bracket Season! March Madness is upon us and, as always, the world is buzzing with bracket fever. It’s such an exciting time of year. The anticipation, the hype, the tension. Who will surprise us? Who will disappoint us? The moments before the tourney kicks off are just so much fun and that’s why it’s such a bummer when your bracket, inevitably, gets busted in the first weekend.

I’ve done a lot of thinking in the past year about how someone could avoid the let down of a busted bracket and finally I think I’ve figured it out so I wanted to share with all of you. The best way to avoid a busted bracket is actually to just not fill one out.

You don’t need to make one. It’s true. I legitimately didn’t know this was the case but after talking to some close friends I’ve confirmed this to be a fact. You don’t have to fill out a bracket.

Now, feel free to take a second because I know that this is going to come as a shock to many of you. I mean, society has had us believe for years that it was downright mandatory to fill out your bracket. Hand up, I thought it was like filling out your taxes. In April, you submit your taxes to John your accountant and in March you submit your bracket to John from accounting.

Even as I write this I’m still skeptical. I mean if it wasn’t mandatory than why the hell is Quiet Janet (the girl in your office named Janet who doesn’t speak much; I’m sure she exists in every office and is referred to by some variation of this name) so amped up about Michigan State’s fast paced offense? You mean to tell me that last week Quiet Janet wouldn’t tell you about her weekend and this week she knows everything about Gonzaga’s zone defense but has some worries about their size on the boards. Nah. Something seems fishy but I promise you that it is actually legal to not fill out a bracket.

And thus, that’s the advice I’m sticking to to avoid bracket busting. It’s like abstinence. You can’t bust if you don’t enter.