The Reaction To The Jets New Uniforms And Why Everyone Is Scared Of Gang Green

I didn’t want to write about this. I mean who really cares? It’s just a jersey, right?

But then I noticed something very strange. The outright hate for these jerseys by fans of other teams. Online trolls were having a field day. My coworkers were giddy to bring up the “ugly” new jerseys before I even took my morning shit.

Why would everyone care this much? It’s just a jersey. The New York Fucking Jets jerseys!? Everyone seems to be nitpicking a team that wasn’t even competitive last year. I mean why are they treating us like the Patriots.

Oh wait.

Is everyone …. nervous?

I mean, think about it. What’s the need to pick on the little ole Jets except if we’re viewed as a threat. And to be honest, the more I think about it the more I understand the feeling.

It’s like beautiful people with ugly names. Picture a person named Gertrude or Garth. Awful, terrible, ugly names. And when they’re attached to ugly people you kind of just shrug and say “yep that fits”. But when those types of names are attached to beautiful people it just makes them stand out more and actually amplifies their beauty.

At first look the jerseys aren’t the prettiest girl at the party. But when paired with a young, hungry, team chasing their first championship since football was basically invented then it’s a completely different story.

Gotham Green is dangerous. Gotham Green is clean. And when we start winning, Gotham Green is Gertrude.