Should Be In Jail: Lady Asking For Samples Of Sauces

This one is a bit personal but a crime is a crime. Yesterday, I went to pick up some food at a fast casual restaurant during peak dinner time. It was busy , and while that’s to be expected, it’s still pretty tough to not get impatient on one of those lines. That’s why I’m sure you can understand my total infuriation , even my utter disbelief, when I come to find a woman at the front of the line asking to try different sauces. Are you fucking kidding me?!?

Believe me, and I don’t say this lightly, but this was the least fast and least casual thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

Lady, where did you grow up that you think this type of behavior is alright? I would have been more understanding if you open mouth sneezed into the food.

Let me get this straight, you’re holding up the entire line, during the busiest part of the day, because you’re unfamiliar with different flavors and insist on getting the perfect one? Either use some context clues or be an adult and just randomly choose and suck it up like the rest of us. You think I know exactly what Chipotle vinaigrette is going to taste like? Nope! I’m just going hope I like it and if I don’t , well , that’s life lady.

Maybe I’m wrong to be so heated about this but I just couldn’t help it. I wish I had handcuffs on me (and some authority) because this lady deserved to be locked up. I just want justice to be served, not sauces.