I Promise To Not Keep In Touch

Recently, I completed an Improv 101 course at the Upright Citizen’s Brigade and I genuinely liked all (most) of the people in the class. A real group of sweethearts. Not being ironic at all. Following our class show, we all went out for drinks and had a great time. I don’t know the exact mathematical breakout but i’d say it was probably the right mix of reminiscing and doing bits. Laughs were had.

Thus, considering everything stated above, I think any reasonable person could understand the shock I experienced once I realized that I had been dealing with a group of delusional lunatics this whole time. Let me explain. Following drinks, we all said our goodbyes and wished each other good luck with our future endeavors. That’s where this story ends right? Nope. That’s when the class email chain started getting real live.

I can’t wait to keep in touch with everyone

You all have changed my life forever, let’s hang soon

Here’s my email, phone number, Instagram, and social security number

I love you more than most of my close relatives, karaoke soon?

Listen, I hate to be the cynic in the room. I mean this is some real sweet shit. And I may have exaggerated a bit on the above quotes but you get the point. These people think we’re all going to keep hanging out. What? I have a tough time hanging out with close friends. There are real people in my life who I would consider to be in my top 5 closest friends who I haven’t seen in months. MONTHS. But yeah I’m definitely going to go to karaoke with the dude who played a borderline offensive character in every scene he did. Nope. I’m going to stay in my apartment, canceling plans with old friends, rolling my eyes at plans with new friends, and complaining about being bored because that’s adulthood baby!

On the real, these improv homies were a good crop. Who knows, maybe we will keep in touch. We won’t but maybe we will.

But honestly we wont.