I Am Officially Renouncing My Recent Renouncement Of My Loyalty To Planet Fitness

What a few days it’s been! Up until Sunday I was a Planet Fitness loyalist and brand protector. On Monday, I came out with my official statement ending my (unpaid) partnership with Planet Fitness indefinitely. Then on Tuesday, something incredible happened. And today, Wednesday April 10th, I am officially renouncing Monday’s renouncement of my loyalty to Planet Fitness. So what happened you ask? Well, Diego happened.

I don’t know who this man is. I don’t know where he came from. But I can say with full confidence that he has completely stolen my heart.

All this time, this was all I really wanted. Not money for my work as a brand ambassador. Not my jersey hung on the exposed tubes in the ceilings. Just some goddamn recognition. A little 1 on 1. A bit of face time. Nothing too much. Just enough to say “hey man, you’re a weirdo but we appreciate you”.

I’ve been on this crusade for years and all it took was a gentle man’s tender touch on the keyboard to warm my heart. Diego you deserve a raise. No actually I demand you get a raise. Your actions have inspired me. I would like to sign back up for a Planet Fitness membership. Unfortunately, they make you come all the way to the gym to sign up in person so I just don’t see that being feasible for me this year.