How Will Game Of Thrones End?

No one asked for my prediction but you fans have been complaining all season so I’m not sure any of you even know what you want. Plus, I think I have it all figured out so I need proof for the record books. Here are the two ways that I believe Game of Thrones will end:

History Repeats Himself

We know that this series is ending with a lesson right? I mean it’s gotta. I’m not talking about a lesson like “the white walkers are symbolic of global warming” or some shit. I’m saying that the ending will all make us look inwards. And then possibly outwards at our current relationships. The show is about power. The never ending and often violent search for power. And while violence has been stressed I actually believe that the never ending part is more important. Sure, thus far it’s been never ending in the sense that we’ve spent 8 seasons rotating between kings and queens. But I think many fans expect a sole winner at the end of this game of thrones. I don’t believe that will happen.

Here’s what I think is more likely. The series will end exactly how is started. Dany is currently a Mad Queen which is obviously reminiscent of her father the Mad King. The parallels are obvious with how Dany used her dragons to bring fire and terror to innocent people. But the one parallel that no one is talking about is that both Mad Rulers had a Lannister in their inner circle. The Mad King’s Hand, Jamie Lannister, stabbed him in the back, forever being donned King Slayer, for the good of the realm. Tyrion Lannister, one of Dany’s last remaining confidants, will stab her in the back for the good of the realm. It’s crossed his mind that Jon Snow would be a better ruler but he never wanted to go against his queen. Now that she has gone mad he will have no choice. Once Dany is dead, Jon will lead a rebellion ,that mimics Rob’s Rebellion, against those who are still loyal to Dany’s cause. We’ll end at the beginning of a new cycle.

When You Play The Game Of Thrones You Either Win Or You Die

Famously spoken by Cersei in Season 1 Episode 7, this quote may be the show’s ultimate truth. Either you win or you die. This may not be the happy ending everyone is hoping for but it may be the most honest. Dany will ascend the steps of the iron throne. Everyone else will have lost. And thus, having already gone mad and lost trust in her closest allies, she may have all of the other players executed.

And I know that this is a bit of an extreme take. We just saw her burn down an entire city, are we really about to see her kill more? But it doesn’t have to be her. She’s obviously winning right now but honestly it’s anyone’s game. All I believe is that at the end, if you are not on the throne, you’re in the ground. Far fetched but totally in line with the show.