Did Pete Holmes F*ck Everyone In Hollywood’s Girlfriend?

No seriously, what’s the deal?

Over the past few days, coinciding with the premiere of season 3 of Holmes’ show Crashing, the online hate for Holmes seems to be rampant. I mean, some of it is straight up vicious:

Now, some of this may just be joking – or atleast jumping in on the internet joke – but still it seemed odd to me. I mean, when did all the blue checkmarks decide that they wanted to bring Pete Holmes down?

My first thought was that it was just general ragging on him for sport. But I think it’s deeper than that. There is some serious jealousy over the fact that he is currently in the third season of his show although many “industry” people seem to consider it a bad show. But this is so wacky to me. I mean jealousy in the entertainment industry is obviously nothing new but it seems to generally be held behind closed doors and replaced publicly with unwavering support. So what’s different with Pete?

I honestly do understand the feeling of resentment that can be harbored when it is close to impossible to acquire any sort of job in entertainment and yet your competition is in the third season of a ~bad~ show. But Pete Holmes? PETE HOLMES?! He seems like the nicest guy in Hollywood. He is the comedian’s comedian. A guy who has worked in the industry for countless years, has been recognized for his great work, and seems generally loved by all. That guy? The guy Anthony Jeselnik once stated looks like the “CEO of a Pumpkin Patch”. THAT GUY??

I just don’t get it. This is the type of guy that usually gets supported in Hollywood no matter what. One of those people that seems to be good with everyone. I always imagined people would say things like ” Actually one of the most genuine people you can meet in Hollywood” when talking about Pete. The type of person that when they get a show, even if it’s not great, people say “eh good for him, there’s not a guy that deserves to have a show more than him”.

So this all makes me wonder, am I wrong about Pete Holmes? Is he a scumbag? Has he been involved in some shady shit? Did he f*ck all of your girlfriends while wearing his Pumpkin Patch CEO outfit?!?

Doubtful. I say leave Pete alone. Good for him. If you’re out here hating on Pete, you can wash my damn towels.