Cultradamus: The Future Of Media

Cultradamus here – back with a few predictions on what our media landscape will look like in the near future. I just see it so clearly and would feel bad if I didn’t share this information so that you all can invest appropriately. I’m like Biff with the Sports Almanac except I want everyone to know the winners. Let’s get started:

Google Podcasts will do to Apple Podcasts what Spotify did to iTunes/Apple Music

I see a big loss in Apple’s future. Another crushing blow on a platform they seem to have locked up. It’s time we start being honest about Apple. They are slowing down in the innovation department, especially when they feel like they have a stronghold. The world is still adapting to podcasts and thus it’s been pretty seamless for Apple to own this space since they auto-install their app onto the iPhone. It seems unlikely that people would rather download a different app instead of just using the one that’s already on their phones. But that’s exactly what’s about to happen. Which brings us to Spotify…

Spotify was the unlikely underdog to the big bad Apple music and look where we are now. Apple music comes with your phone but people went and downloaded Spotify because it was simply a better product.

Now let me ask you – what’s the biggest problem with Apple Podcasts? Easy. The search function. Uh oh. Would be a real shame if the SEARCH company came into the space. Mark my words, within the next few years people are going to be flocking to Google Podcasts and abandoning Apple Podcasts simply because it will be easier to search for new podcasts. Apple can fix this now while they are still in the lead. They won’t though. And if they don’t listen now, people won’t use them to listen in the future.

Whoever wins the voice space will win the future of advertising

We’re talking about voice. We’re joking about voice. Voice is definitely here. But still, we’re not taking voice as seriously as we should. Whether it’s Amazon Alexa, Google Home, or whatever else comes next, this is the only space that will be worth winning soon.

This is, and I’m not saying this lightly, a culture shifting moment. Brands that have been in charge will lose market share at an incredible rate and start up brands will skyrocket with the right voice strategy. And get this – it’s going to be cheap at first!

If you aren’t aware, there is a limited amount of audio “shelf space”. It’s not like walking into a supermarket and seeing 100 competing jars of tomato sauce. If you ask for tomato sauce, your smart speaker will give you two different options. If you’re not on that shelf then you won’t even get considered. The idea that we will be shopping from our homes is not as far off and wacky as you may think. I mean just look at what happened with online shopping. When’s the last time you took a trip to a Macy’s? I don’t think it will be more than five year before we are doing MOST of our shopping from our couch. If you’re a brand, you better be gearing up to compete on the audio shelf right now. Don’t get left behind when I start buying tomato sauce while I’m on the toilet.