Cultradamus: One Direction Will Reunite During The 2022 Superbowl Halftime Performance

This is a prediction and not a headline but you might as well read it as the former.

My intuition is telling me that a One Direction comeback is on the horizon. It just makes sense. On the tails of the Jonas Brothers comeback tour, the text group between the dudes from One Direction had to have gotten a bit active again, no? Nostalgia is immensely profitable but it’s best you don’t wait too long so it looks like a cry for money. Do it while you are still rich and popular and can write it off as a redemption story.

Here’s how I see it going down. In 2020, four members of One Direction (excluding Zayn) will release the first One Direction song in years. The buzz will be insane and will lead to a push by the record label for them to make a full album. An album will be made in mid 2020 and they will tour with it through 2021. Then the big announcement:

One Direction Will Be Playing This Year’s Superbowl

And with that announcement will come but one question: will we see Zayn?

The performance will start. They will do 3 songs off the bat; Story Of My Life, Best Song Ever, and History. Then Harry will give a speech about how there are many things in our own lives that can tear us away from those we are closest to and how we must not let insecurity get in the way of progress. Those famous beginning chords from “That’s What Makes You Beautiful” will play and then out from under the stage will come Zayn with a simple

“You’re insecure…”

I write this not because I want to but because I have to. It is written so it is documented. Now we wait to watch it play out.