As the 2020 election fast approaches, I fear history will unfortunately repeat itself. Yes, sex sells and there is no place this is more apparent than in America. But in 2016 we selected our President almost solely on sex appeal and look how that turned out. We need to try something new. I’m not blaming …
There was a dumb Gen X thing on the internet for a while about how Millennials can’t afford to buy houses because they buy so much avocado toast. This is legitimatley the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. It totally disregards the fact that Millennials have stopped purchasing 3-1 Body Wash, Shampoo and Conditioner. For a …
In an effort to even the playing field, the new Monopoly game will start female players off with $1900 while male players will receive the standard $1500. In addition, every time a female player passes go she will receive $240 instead of the traditional $200. This is such an ugly statement by Hasbro. While Monopoly …
New York City, NY – Following the release of the final trailer for the upcoming film “Joker” it’s officially become apparent that the man being portrayed in the film is a bit more morally corrupt than the stand up comedians working today. Many comedians, who up until recently have been in hiding, have reemerged with …
WESTCHESTER, NY – Although previously considered an instrument for professional boxers, one average man defied all odds when he threw a half-hearted punch at his local gym’s heavy bag. Last Thursday night at a 24/7 Fitness in Westchester, New York, one semi-regular gym goer shocked the whole place when he went where no one else …
WASHINGTON, DC – After years of ignoring the issue surrounding mass tryouts, Congress has officially placed a bill on the floor that will ban all basketball video games. While many believe mass tryouts, the term used to describe a basketball tryout that is overcrowded with below average players, could be caused by a number of …
Another World Cup. Another win for the U.S. Women’s Soccer team. Thus, by the rules stated in the Book Of Sports, the U.S. Women’s Soccer team is officially a dynasty. And now that they are a dynasty we have to ask the Dynasty Question (as stated in the Book Of Sports): Is The U.S. Women’s …
Last night marked the end of the two night premiere of the Democratic debates but it only took one night for President Trump to craft his well-thought out feelings on the festivities: And honestly, I couldn’t agree more. I tuned into the debates like the last season of Game of Thrones, remembering all the excitement …
Another year and another disappointing NBA draft. I’m not going to hide it anymore. I’m upset. Mad even. For once I just thought it was going to go differently. After each draft every pundit, past player, and Twitter analyst says the same thing: Some of the best players weren’t drafted. Keep moving forward. Kahwi wasn’t …
There’s a very common trope in American culture regarding health and gym teachers. They’re all wildly out of shape and exhibit terribly unhealthy habits. It’s so common it’s as if they only hire unhealthy people for these positions. And we find this hilarious. “You’re a health teacher, shouldn’t you be healthy”, we all stupidly think …