Billy McFarland Will Make A Comeback And You Will All Support It

Reports have recently arose that Billy McFarland, the mind behind the infamous Fyre Festival, is currently working on a book in prison.

It’s been clear to me from the moment I finished watching the Fyre Festival documentary that this man was going to have one of the greatest comebacks we’ve ever witnessed. Before I get to the part of the blog that you’re going disagree with, let’s establish some points we can all agree on:

Billy McFarland Does Business
Some people can’t escape who they truly are. The man went failed on a public stage, went bankrupt and got thrown in jail. But a man does what a man does and this man does business. Everyone has their thing in life. Billy Mcfarland’s thing is making popular and controversial businesses. It’s in his blood. Even when he was on house arrest, he just couldn’t help himself. He just had to be scheming. One of the the last line’s of the documentary is “Billy is really good at one thing and that’s separating consumers from their money”. You don’t just stop doing what you’re good at.

Billy McFarland Makes You Believe In Him
In the darkest hours of Fyre Festival, when the ship was belly up, people still kept faith with Billy. Some people just have a trusting vibe. I think it’s something about his eyes. Or maybe he’s doughy body. I don’t know. But the fact that people still had his back when everything was coming out means he’s got a special skill. It’s like a puppy that keeps tearing up the sofa. How can we stay mad at that face!?!

We Love A Good Redemption Story
There’s two things our nation loves. Getting mad at people and giving people second chances. Luckily, we enjoy the second thing a bit more. Someone in sports media once said “we only tell two types of stories, the climb to the championship and the fall from grace”. In today’s society, it seems like these two almost always go hand in hand. If you have a big come up then we will eventually tear you down but if you have a big mishap then we generally find a way to help you build back up. It sounds crazy but it almost seems better to have the bad event happen first.

Okay, now where do you all come in. Well, you’re all going to be heavily responsible for his comeback. You probably think that you’re morally above this but you simply aren’t. You watched the documentary. You made your jokes. You got your kicks. But in the end, Billy will get your clicks.

You don’t want to succumb to this reality but ultimately you’ll have no choice. Sure you finished the Fyre Festival documentary with your nose firmly pointed up in the air. You declared Billy Mcfarland to be morally repugnant. Unlike you. You’re a good person. But here’s the thing. When the Billy comeback starts you just won’t be able to help yourself. It’s like Billy and scheming. For everyone who doesn’t have a “thing” , well, your thing is clicking and reacting to other people’s things. And you’re not just going to stop doing what you’re good at.

Here’s what it comes down to. In your soul you want to give a first chance to a person that deserves attention rather than a second chance to someone who you deem immoral. But the dark truth is that it’s easier to get a second chance than a first chance. Since Billy has name recognition, even though it was acquired in the worst possible way, he is more interesting than someone we’ve never heard of.

News of Billy’s comeback will be everywhere. The publications will bet on your clicks. Bet on your jokes. Bet on your attention. And once he has your attention, well, he just might separate you from your money.