Apple’s “Screen Time” Update Is Downright Evil

I really don’t like complaining about technology. Rarely do it. Mainly because smart phones are literally the most incredible invention ever made and complaining about them is so privileged it could get into Harvard because it’s grandfather bought the school a building.

And yet here we are. I’m going to complain about Apple because their latest update that let’s you know how much time you spend looking at your phone is insane.

Why would they do this? What kind of sickos are working at Apple and thought this was a good idea. It’s obvious that their intention was to make us more aware of our phone usage so that we can make a conscious effort to limit the time we spend looking at a screen everyday.

Well it’s too fucking late for that Apple! We’re all addicted. And it’s your fault.

This is not nice. This is not thoughtful. You don’t get goodwill points for now trying to make a positive change in our lives. All this is doing is making us feel worse about ourselves. It’s evil.

I used to be able to play ignorant. I knew I looked at my phone too much but without any solid numbers I could just convince myself it wasn’t anything crazy. Now I have the numbers to back it up. Total hours spent on the phone. Amount of times I pick up my phone a day. Time spent on Twitter. It’s disgusting.

The problem is there’s nothing I can do to change my behavior. I’m hooked. I will be constantly checking my phone for eternity. This fake attempt to change my behavior is sort of like if a drug dealer handed out pamphlets about the dangers of smoking during every drop off.

Do what’s right Apple. Let us fly in the dark. With nothing but the glow of a screen to light our way.