Space Jam 2 Is A Bad Idea

Yesterday it was announced that we will officially be getting a Space Jam 2 starring Lebron James. I expected this news to be received with mixed reviews but instead it seemed like there was an overall sense of excitement for this sequel. I cannot wrap my head around this hype. This is a patently bad idea.

First, stop the remakes and stop the unnecessary sequels Hollywood. Leave good things alone. Hollywood keeps doing this in an attempt for a quick cash grab and more often than not it flops. But it’s time to stop sitting here and saying “oh silly Hollywood, when will they learn?”. At this point it is downright insulting. They are blatantly banking on our unwavering nostalgia. They sat for the last couple of years and watched everyone post about their love of Space Jam and saw an opportunity to profit. At this rate, we’re just years away from a movie about fidget spinners starring Ken Bone and Salt Bae. They don’t care if the movie is good, they just care that you’ll feel like you have to see it. Oh and by the way, I promise it won’t be good. All this will do is ruin the original for you.

Second, it’s absolutely bonkers to have Lebron James star in this movie. I get that Lebron wants to become a titan of entertainment and media upon retirement, and honestly all the power to him, but this is the worst way to go about it. I am not hating his hustle. I even liked his role in “Trainwreck”. But for a guy who has spent his whole career trying to separate himself from Michael Jordan, how could he think it was smart to reprise his role in a movie that many hold dear to their childhood. Go make whatever you want Lebron. You have the star power and the wealth. Go do your talk show. Produce your TV shows. And yes, go make whatever movie you want. Just not this movie.

There is only one way that I think it would be acceptable to make this movie. I found out this morning that Ryan Coogler will be a producer on this movie. Coogler is known for his directorial work on movies such as Fruitvale Station and Creed, both of which star Michael B. Jordan. If Michael B. Jordan signed on to play the role of Michael Jordan in Space Jam 2 then I would take back everything I said above. If another Space Jam movie is made, it better be starring at least one Michael Jordan.