Winter Is Bad, Summer Is Worse

I’m not going to come onto the blog and defend winter. Winter is trash. But I also have strong feelings against summer and up until recently I couldn’t articulate my feelings properly. But I think I got it now.

Summer is the birthday of seasons.

Birthdays are always over hyped and disappointing. There’s just an overwhelming amount of pressure to make them fun and this in turn actually leads to less fun. To compensate for this pressure you end up doing too much and spending too much money. It’s very busy in the worst way. People say things to you like “but you have to do XYZ, it’s your birthday!” That’s what summer is. Bleh.

I just want to stay in doors sometimes. Winter, summer, birthdays, St. Pattys day, May, Leap years, solar eclipses, fireworks, asteroids hurling toward Earth. All of it. Just want to stay inside.

Image result for spongebob staying inside