OJ Simpson Joined Twitter!

I’ve been talking about taking a break from social media, and Twitter in particular, for some time now. But if I’m being completely honest with myself, I never really had any intention of following through on this thought. It was idealistic and sounded nice to say. It made me feel like I was interested in person growth and that was good enough for me.

But then OJ Simpson joined Twitter. So if there was ever a time to say hey maybe enough is enough this might be it. We throw around the term “Wild West” in regard to the internet but I’m not even sure we thought it would go this far. I mean maybe we’ve all become jaded but this should be a wake up call. Think about it for one second. The man involved in the most infamous and controversial murder case of the last century just made a fun little account on the blue bird social media platform where people shitpost their opinions and bad jokes. And he prepares to fully participate in this minutia! Look at this!

He legitimately says the phrase “I got a little getting even to do”. This is the same man who most people believe got away with murder. MURDER! He’s sending fun tweets from his backyard on a lazy Sunday about getting even! But he goes on…

He’s going to be replying to haters and trolls on Twitter. I can’t even fathom that. There is not one post in which every comment will not be related to the probable murder of his wife. This would be the most insane thing I’ve ever heard if he didn’t follow this up by saying he’s going to be giving out his opinion on sports, fantasy football, and politics. Somehow that’s even more shocking to me. It feels like the basis of a format tweet. Ya know what, I’ll give it a try:

“The year is 2025. OJ Simpson is back on twitter and giving out fantasy football advice. People are mad at him for telling them to select a player that ended up going down in preseason with a torn ACL like he’s Matthew Berry”

LOL! Except that’s pretty much as close to the reality of the situation as possible. We’re not joking about some far off funny fantasy. This is the reality.

Thus, it’s time to shut it down. I’m intermittent fasting for social media. All social media will be consumed between 8 AM and 8 PM. After that, I’m shutting it down. It’s too much.

I’d eliminate all social media but then what would I do at work.