It’s Better For Your Favorite Team To Have An Ugly Jersey

With the NBA finals coming to a close, all eyes have been on the Toronto Raptors. Thus, the crowds have been filled with fans wearing their team’s jersey and with that has come the reemergence of the ugliest jersey ever made. The old bright purple dinosaur Raptor’s jersey:

Image result for toronto raptors old jersey

I mean this has got to be the worst jersey ever produced. Terrible color. Cartoonish design. Weird font. And it’s fucking perfect.

I recently wrote an article defending the new Jets’ uniforms from the online hate but I now regret that I am down with the Gotham Green. It’s so much cooler to support a team with an ugly jersey because eventually they will replace that jersey and then you have a dope throwback.

That’s all jerseys are for. That little nod you get on the street from some other degenerate that says “hey man, I respect that jersey”. Never in my life have I seen someone walking around in a normal ass Patriots’ jersey and thought “Sweet dude, you must be fun at parties”. Nope! But if I see someone coming down the block in the bright purple, T-rex covered jersey I just might invite them to the family barbecue.

Jerseys are just social currency and ironically wearing an ugly or obscure one is the name of the game.