The Government Wants You To Believe In Aliens – A ShenaniGang Conspiracy Theory

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Over the past few days stories have surfaced regarding Navy pilots that have reported instances of spotting UFOs. This may be shocking to some but not me. That’s because I know the government wants us to believe in aliens.

For years, it has been speculated that the government is trying to mask the existence of extraterrestrial life. Groups of people have dedicated their lives to uncovering the “truth” that is being hidden from us. This story is making waves in the news cycle and being regarded as one of the first reliable reports of humans coming into contact with something foreign. Wow we must be close to cracking the case! ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. We’re right where the government wants us to be and that’s because, as far as they are concerned, it’s supremely advantageous for people to believe in aliens.

Think about it just for a moment. Hiding aliens from us does nothing. They need to protect us from some horrible truth? What good would that do? If aliens were actually a threat to human life than knowing about them or not knowing about them would make no difference. But think about all they could do if they convinced people that aliens do exist. I mean it’s quite simple actually. A higher or unknown power sparks fear and doubt in people. It’s not much different than religion really. So around the 1960s, as religion’s stronghold began to dwindle, the government devised a plan to reinstate doubt in the minds of their people.

It all starts with a “cover up”. A few leaks about an attempt to hide information from people. This will get the kooks and loons on your case. They will form groups and start to look for the truth. But their cases will be paper thin. So we’ll all laugh at them. And then they’ll dig their feet in further. It will define them as they make it their mission to prove everyone wrong. But we’ll just laugh some more. A public ridicule that we can all rally around. Ahh it feels good to not be dumb like those guys…

And that’s when the government releases the first piece of credible evidence. Uh oh. What happens when an entire nation of people is proven wrong in one swift motion and those that were considered loony are vindicated. The answer is doubt.

How could we be so wrong about something so big. All of us. National egg on our face. We were mean and obnoxious to those that believed in something that was ultimately correct. If that was true then what else could be true?

Doubt allows those in power to maintain it.

Aliens don’t exist. Only doubt does.